The Tohu

When humanity began, the utterance of the first “tīhei” signified the start of life as we know it. It is said that Tāne carved Hine-ahu-one out of the clay at Kurawaka, thus creating the first human life form. She was imbued with gifts from all the ātua. When the elements of life had been bestowed upon this exquisite creature, the final element,  (breath of life) was gifted. Nose to nose, Tāne called out “tīhei, mauri ora.” 

This is where life began. 

At this moment, we received the hongi. It symbolises life meeting life, breath meeting breath and all the elements coming together to create a moment in time, across generations. 

The generations between us are an important part of who we are and how we belong to this land. The hongi symbolises the coming together of these generations - Māori who arrived and returned from the vast seas of Te Moana Nui a Kiwa extended that precious gift to those who arrived to our shores to trade and create a home for themselves and future generations. 

We have inherited this breath of life, just as we have inherited Te Tiriti. 

Te Tiriti is about partnership, belonging and creating the foundations for all of us to live together. The hongi symbolises that relationship by reminding us of who we come from, who we are and how important life is to all of us. 

In tikanga Māori, hongi follow pōwhiri and assist us to move from the realm of Tūmatauenga into the realm of Rongo. We arrive on the other side of the process ready to be in a state of peace, knowing that this results in a shared sense of responsibility. The hongi is more than a handshake. 

This tohu symbolises living in a future that honours Te Tiriti o Waitangi and uplifts Tino Rangatiratanga. It represents a future where we all thrive.

When we approached Tyrone and the team at Extended Whānau to create an image that symbolises our hopes for people to stand together for Te Tiriti, they gifted us the perfect meeting place between worlds. 

We feel that it embodies the spirit of kōtahitanga outlined within Te Tiriti and hope that it inspires us into action when it’s under threat. Nā mātou te whiwhi i te koha nei, e mihi nui ana ki ngā tohunga toi kua auahatia tēnei tohu. 

We stand together for Te Tiriti as people who care about our past, present and future. When we share the symbol of the hongi, we do so with our collective responsibility and hopes for the future in the forefront of our minds. 

We stand together for Te Tiriti. Kā tū ake tātou kei roto i ngā moemoeā o ngā tūpuna. 

Tīhei, mauri ora.

Team ActionStation

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